Daycare Hunt
Easy browsing
Find all daycare information you need in one place. Methodology, age groups, program hours, and more.
Easy waitlist application
Fill out your child's information just once and apply to multiple daycare waitlists. No more letters via mail, PDFs via email, or online forms.
Easy waitlist payment
Simply pay online in a few seconds and that's it. No more sending cheques or e-transfers to multiple emails.
Clear confirmation
Get a clear confirmation that your child's waitlist application was received. No more worrying and staying in the dark.
Visibility on chance of enrolment
Get clear visibility on your child's probability of getting a spot in a particular daycare. More planning, less anxiety.
Visibility on waitlist spot
Get a clear view on your child's current waitlist spot. The more you know, the better you plan, the happiest you and your child are.
Why we're here?
Daycare hunting madness is finally over
Daycare Hunt is the first one-stop-shop for your child's daycare applications in Vancouver. Find your neighbourhood daycares, their methodology, program hours, age groups, monthly cost, waitlist status, fees, application instructions, and more.
Interested? Sign up for our waitlist below!